Are You Searching For The Right Mate? That May Be Your First Mistake.
It is a desire of many singles to date and marry the right mate. One may become so fixated on finding the right mate that they fail to prepare in becoming the right mate. God is in the business of connecting you to the right mate, but how can He do this if you are not right? In order to connect with the right one, you must be the right one. This means getting your heart right. It means getting your thoughts right. It means walking right. It means allowing God to take over. Allow God to work with your heart by removing all of the things that shouldn’t be there and replacing them with the things that should. Allow God to work with your thought pattern by introducing you to a positive mindset. Allow your walk to be steadfast in God and you will attract what you are. Godliness is the character you should possess. No one is perfect, but getting right with God is so important. Some people harbor pain and bitterness from past relationships or marriages in their hearts that is transferred into other relationships. You have to allow God to come in and remove all of that mess!

God wants the best for you and He wants you to be the best for the one He has for you. During your journey, allow God to prepare you! Be patient because God knows what He is doing. All you have to do is trust the journey and have faith. James 1:3-4 (NLT) states, “For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” If you grow weary during the wait, pull strength from God. Pray for His discernment so you won’t be fooled by the tricks of the enemy. There are many wolves in the world who are disguised as sheep. Allow God to pour into you continuously. Get so full of Him on the inside that He overflows on the outside! The person God has for you will see and know! You will see and know the same regarding the person God has for you! The gift of a wife or husband comes from the Lord. This is why we should seek Him fully. Psalm 37:4 (NLT) states, “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires". When God puts two people together, it is beautiful and pleasing. Please note that I said “When God". When man puts two people together, it doesn’t turn out so beautiful and pleasing. If you are single and it is your desire to marry the right person, seek God first. Get your relationship with Him right first, then everything else will fall into place.