Daddy, Where Were You?
To escort me in the homecoming parade
To be on my brother's team when we played charades
To scare all the boys away
To make sure I was protected at the end of the day
Daddy where were you?
When mom was clapping at my awards ceremony
When my dance team took home the 1st place trophy
When I was cheerleading looking up in the stands
To find my dad not my friends
Daddy where were you?
Time to go to college, I was nervous to stay
Mom and I certainly have our work cut out for us today
No man to help drag my bags and boxes across the lot
Thank God for family and friends that helped out
Daddy where were you?

Growing into womanhood
Never had a dad to teach me about men
I let some stride my curves just to keep them near
So beautiful, so young, so dumb, no fear
Daddy where were you?
To teach me what love really is
How a man is supposed to treat me when I am his
Teach me how to value myself, so no man could steal my innocence
Daddy where were you?
I'm a woman now
Still looking for love like a child
Convinced myself that I don't need you to show me how
But reality is.... Daddy I needed you, I was looking for you, but you were no where to be found!