Godly Community

Hey! Hey! Hey! I am Whitney Washington, Candace’s little sister. Recently, I have been praying about sharing more of myself with people who are not in my inner circle. So, I thought blogging would be a great way to do it. First, let me begin by saying that sharing my experience on a faith-based blog has me a bit nervous, but as I have been praying, I told myself “just do it.” It doesn’t have to be perfect because I serve a God who is. So here goes nothing.
I am starting a series of blogs, “Becoming Her”, inspired by Philippians 1:6. My sister was so kind to allow me to create this space on Candace Writes.
Welcome to the Becoming Her Series by Whitney x Candace Writes.
Series 1: Everyone needs a community.
Most time when we think about community. We think about a geographical definition of community. The place we grew up, the children we played with, and the older lady across the street who told our parents we were outside before they arrived home. Where I am from community is important. I grew up in a small town in Alabama where people knew my family. My teachers didn’t have to call my parents to discipline me, and our police officers believed in community policing. When my mother was hospitalized for months, it was the community in my hometown that prayed and helps us along the way. Livingston, I forever thank you!

Good community is important and Godly community is best. As I become a grown adult, I am learning that Godly community is also important. So, lately, I have been very intentional about connecting with good people. This spring, I joined a small group at church. A small group is basically a meetup with people who share a similar interest as you. Last Fall, I joined the Financial Peace University small group and learned so much about finances. This time, I joined a small group that focused on becoming your best self while preparing for whatever your life goals are. While being in this small group, I was able to process so many things that were going on in my life with a group of young women who were finding themselves too. Each of us were in different areas of our lives, but we all had the wisdom to share with each other. We live in a world where everything is at our fingertips, and sometimes you have to take the time to step back and connect with other people face to face. We met weekly and talked all things dating, wedding planning, career, and higher education.
One of my biggest takeaways from these amazing women is that God will provide all your needs as well as give you everything your heart desires. It is important that we make spending time with Him a priority because He is a jealous lover. I also learned that He sees past, present, and future at the same time, so why should I be worried about my life goals. I should PRAY FIRST, and prepare for my best life. I am so grateful that I have connected with these amazing God fearing women, and as God continues to do His work in our lives, I know that we will sharpen each other along the way. Remember, we are better together!